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密云各小区物业电话 2021-11-11 13:16:57
深圳房价高 2021-11-11 13:13:25
拍卖粮证 2021-11-11 13:12:04


发布时间: 2021-10-29 22:05:24

① 帮忙回答一下这些关于拍卖会的英语问题



② 寻求拍卖会主持词英文版!!!

Respect teachers, classmates, everybody is good. I am a small auctioneer the auction. Our class held a small auction today.
The auction will now begin.
Welcome to bring their going to auction items. This item is the base price of stickers.
The first, second, third. Clinch a deal
Congratulations, with a sticker price for our, please power (awarded to each other)
Conclusion: today we are passionate, fill their carts.
尊敬的老师,同学们,大家好。我是本次拍卖会的小小拍卖师。我们班今天举行一个小型拍卖会。 拍卖会现在开始。
下面有请 带上自己将要拍卖的物品上来。这个物品的底价是 贴纸。
第一次, 第二次 ,第三次。成交
恭喜 ,以 个贴纸的价格拍得我们的 ,请您上台( 颁给对方)

③ “拍卖会”英语怎么说


④ 拍卖会用英语怎么说

Auction [英] [ˈɔ:kʃən]/[美] [ˈɔkʃən]
n.拍卖; 竞卖内; 标售; (桥牌)拍卖玩法;容
vt.拍卖; 竞卖;

⑤ 拍卖 英文怎么说


⑥ 求:最地道的英文拍卖术语

(一) 最基本词汇
1. auction [名词]拍卖 auction trade 拍卖(行)业
2. lot [名词]拍卖品/一份儿/一批 auction items
3. bid [名词/动词]出价/叫价/应价
4. sold [动词]成交
5. pass [动词]拍回,流标
(二) 拍卖参与各方
6. seller (client )[名词]卖家,委托人
7. bidder (customer) [名词]竞买人,出价人
8. buyer (purchaser 、vendee ) [名词] 买家,买受人
9. auctioneer (auction master ) [名词]拍卖师、拍卖人
auctioneers 拍卖行、拍卖人
the auction house (company / fair )
(三) 拍卖标的
10. vehicles [名词]机动车
11. real estate 房地产,不动产
12. works of art 艺术品
13. bankrupt enterprise 破产企业
14. proct selling right 产品经销权
15. patent [名词]专利
16. cultural relics 文物
17. public property 公物
18. intangible assets 无形资产
(四) 拍卖的基本原则
19. publicity (openness) [名词]公开
20. fairness [名词]公平
21. justice [名词]公正 * good faith 诚实信用
(五) 拍卖方式及拍卖价格
22. English system 英格兰式
23. Dutch system 荷兰式
24. starting price 起拍价
25. hammer price (purchase price) 落槌价(成交价)
26. reserve price 保留价,底价
(六) 其它词汇
27. absentee bid 委托竞标 bidding paddle 竞买号牌
28. auction announcement 拍卖公告
auction calendar 拍卖日期
auction location(s) 拍卖地点
auction results 拍卖结果
29. auction contract 委托拍卖合同
30. auction with reserve 有底价拍卖
31. auction without reserve
(absolute auction) (no reserve auction) 无底价拍卖 (绝对拍卖)
32. business conditions (the terms and conditions of the sale/auction)
业务规定(约定) / 拍卖规则
auction notice 拍卖须知
32. display [动词] [名词]展示
33. viewing 看样
time and place for display of the objects of auction标的展示时间和地点
35. confiscate [动词]没收 充公
confiscated properties 缉私罚没的财产
36. defect [名词]瑕疵
37. deposit [名词]保证金
38. disposition [名词]处置
39. entrust [动词]委托
40. offer [动词][名词]报价
41. own [动词]拥有/所有 ownerless [形容词]无主的
42. premium (commission) [名词]佣金
43. price list 价格目录 / 价格单
44. property evaluation (appraisal) 资产评估
* the appraisal institution 评估机构
45. purchase confirmation 成交确认书
46. purchased lot 成交物品 / 拍定物
47. sale proceeds 成交价款 / 拍卖收益
48. scale [名词](竞价)阶梯
49. the Auction Law of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国拍卖法
50. transfer proceres 过户手续
51. goods [名词]商品/物品/拍品
52. catalogue [名词]拍卖目录
53. register [动词]注册/登记
54. welcome [动词]欢迎
55. prefer [动词]喜欢,偏爱
56. hold [动词]主持/召开/掌控
57. be looking forward to 希望…
58. good luck 好运
59. congratulations [名词]祝贺
60. certificate [名词]证件/证书
61. issue [动词]发布/刊发
62. pay [动词]支付/付款
63. arrange [动词]约定/安排
64. source [名词](标的)来源
65. disclose [动词]公开/揭发(秘密)
66. information [名词]信息/资料
67. deliver [动词]移交/交付
68. explain [动词]解释
69. the right 权利 enjoy 享有… be in dispute … 有争议
the right of owenership 所有权
the right of disposition 处分权
the right of use 使用权
70. the commission rate 佣金比例
71. charges [名词]费用/支出
72. CAA (China Association of Auctioneers) 中国拍卖行业协会
IA (International Association of Auctioneers)国际拍卖行业协会(1993年)
NAA(The National Auctioneers Association )美国国家拍卖师协会
73. the laws and regulations 法律法规
74. abide(by…) [动词]遵守/服从
75. the relationship 利益/权益
76. inspect [动词]查看/查验/踏勘
77. sign [动词]签字/签署
78. the indivial 个人
79. domestic residents 境内人士/国内居民
80. residents abroad 境外人士/国外居民
81. ID (the Identification Card) 居民身份证
82. passport [名词](公民)护照
83. raise [动词]抬起/举起(号牌)
84. on the spot 当场/现场
85. deny [动词]反悔/否定 …

Sotheby's苏富比(索斯比)拍卖行(Samuel Baker 1744年在伦敦成立)

James Christie
Christie's 佳士得拍卖行
(James Christie 1766年在伦敦成立)

拍卖师主持拍卖会是离不开数字的。首先,拍卖师应当熟练掌握最基本的1-----100数字的英文表达。其次,要熟悉英文的数字表达法,从后往前,每三位数打一个逗号。还是从前往后面数,第一个逗号读做thousand;第二个逗号读做million;第三个逗号读做billion。所以一般说来,最复杂的情况也无非就是几百几十几个thousand million或billion。
1-10 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
11-20 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty
21-99 twenty-one twenty-two …
thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety-nine
100 one hundred
120 one(hundred) twenty
140 one(hundred) forty
1,000 one thousand
1,100 one thousand (and) one hundred 或 eleven hundred
10,000 ten thousand
11,500 eleven thousand (and) five hundred
12,000 twelve thousand
100,000 one hundred thousand
110,000 one hundred (and) ten thousand
11,000,000 one million
10,000,000 ten million
100,000,000 one hundred million …
有时,为简便起见,拍卖师有时对数字的提出与日常方式有别,例:“1600”报成“one thousand and six”,而日常应该是“1006”;“4200”报成“forty-two hundred”;“110”报成“one ten”;等等。这是因为参与拍卖的人员对竞价阶梯等内容都很清楚,所以不会出现误解。

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the auction of our company. I’m *** , the national registered auctioneer with the number of 168.this is my certificate. It’s my great honor to hold the auction. There will be 10 lots to be sold which are subject to our catalogue in your hands. I’m looking forward to your bidding actively for the goods you preferred. And I’m wish you good luck!
(1)the auction of our company 也可翻译成:the sale of our company
(2)It’s my great honor to hold today’s auction as the registered auctioneer of China. 我是国家注册拍卖师,很荣幸为大家主持今天的拍卖会。
the registered auctioneer of China
也可翻译成:the national registered auctioneer
(3)There will be 10 lots to be sold in this auction.
(4)And now let us begin with lot 1. Lot 1,we start at RMB¥1,000.
下面我们就从一号拍品拍起。第一号拍品,起拍价为人民币1000元。we start at RMB¥1,000也可翻译成:We open at RMB¥1,000或we are starting at RMB¥1,000
(5)Any bid? RMB¥1,000 appears now, any more bid?
Any bid? 还可以翻成: Who’ll bid for it?
RMB¥1,000 appears now, any more bid? 还可以翻成:
We have RMB¥1,000 now, any more bid?
RMB¥1,000 now, any other bid?
RMB¥1,000 now, Any more?
(6) ¥4000, ¥6000, ¥8000, now ¥8000 over there, no more bid ?
no more bid ? 还可以翻成: no more for it ?
(7)¥8000 first, ¥8000 second, last chance, sold.Your number ,sir(madam)? ¥8000 sold to bidder No.168.Congratulations!
¥8000 first, ¥8000 second, last chance, sold.还可以翻成:
Calling once, calling twice, last calling(call).第一次,第二次,最后一次!
Your number, sir (madam)?先生(女士),请您再亮一下号牌.
¥800 sold to bidder No.168.该标的以800元的价格卖给了168号先生(女士).
Lot I, we are starting at ¥100.第一号拍品,我们要以100元起拍.
Lot I, we start at ¥100.第一号拍品,我们以100元起拍.
No.I, we open at ¥100.一号拍品,我们以100元开拍.
Any bid?有人应价吗?
Who’ll bid for it?谁要为此出价?
We have ¥200 now.现在有人出价200元。
¥200 appears now.200元出现了。
¥200 now.现在是200元。
¥200 somebody.有人出价200元。
¥1.800 over there.那边有人出价1800元。
¥2,500 in the middle of the room.中间有人出价2500元。
¥9,900 in the back of the room.后面有人出9900元。
¥10,000 in the front of the room. 前面有人出价10000元。
¥12,000 on my left now. 在我左边有人出价12000元。
¥13,500 on my right now.在我右边有人出价13500元。
¥15,000,on the telephone now .电话中有人竞价15000元。
Any more bid? 还有人应价吗?
Any more? 还有吗?
Any other bid? 还有其他竞价吗?
No more for it? 没有人再加价了吗?
How about ¥400? 400元怎么样?
¥1,000 first, ¥1,000 second, last chance.1000元第一次,1000元第两次,最后一次机会!
Calling once, calling twice, last calling(call).第一次,第二次,最后一次!

⑦ 以学校上个星期天举办的拍卖会为题,写一篇80字的英语作文

to the cloning of special rescue dogs and many endangered animals.
However, Westhusin is cautious about his work. He knows that even if he gets a dog pregnant, the offspring, should they survive, will face the problems shown at birth by other cloned animals: abnormalities like immature lungs and heart and weight problems~ "Why would you ever want to clone humans," Westhusin asks, "when we’re not even close to getting it worked out in animals yet?

⑧ 求国外的拍卖会视频,拍卖什么的都行,主要想要地道的英文拍卖术语

你需要进入上述网址,再click其中的video site

⑨ 关于拍卖时候的用语(英语)


⑩ 英语作文家庭拍卖会80词

Mike and I hold an yard sale at his house today.
In the morning,we took out the stuff that were ready to be sold.During the sale,we sold some of our old books,some old toys,also an old bike.Many people came to our sale,and a lot of them did make their purchases.After the sale was ended,we counted the money we made today,to our surprise it was more than eighty dollars.
It was such a meaningful day for us,both of us were very happy about the result.As we planned,we are going to donate the money to the poor kids in th countryside.