⑴ 求出租車計價器畢業論文,單片機
摘 要
關鍵詞: 89C51;里程檢測;分屏顯示;EEPROM;
Along with the development of taxi trade, counting fees that the requirement of ware is also more and more higher to the taxi, user not only asks to count fees, and the ware function is stable, and it is accurate to count fees, and has guarding against the function cheated; At the same time still ask his to possess ticket material to print and IC blocks paying fees and computer string capable communication function.The method that hardware and software each other combine is adopted in this design, and takes one piece machine as the nucleus, printting to doing business information all did the detailed introction from the circle pulsing,To the content of 89C51 and MAX813L Guarding the entrance the dog and the introction that reces the circuit to blame for focal point at the same time, this system still possesses to prevent to disturb and the function guarding against the dead machine, and special in the taxi design ring power supply of system, possessing fairly strong steady pressure effect, the system adopted IC Block the memory, and can make things convenient for just the information of safe record customer and Che owner.
Keywords: The dog is guarded the entrance 89c51 Circle pulse Anti-jamming
目 錄
第1章 緒 論 1
第2章 方案論證 2
2.1方案比較 2
2.2系統功能 2
2.3系統框圖 3
第3章 硬體電路設計 5
3.1單片機控制系統 5
3.1.1 控制器89C51 5
3.1.2 I/O介面 8
3.2看門狗電路 8
3.3時鍾電路 10
3.4 EEPROM存儲單元 12
3.5 操作面板 14
3.6行車里程檢測電路 15
3.6.1感測器 15
3.6.2光電感測器電路設計 15
3.6.3車輪光電開關檢測電路 16
3.7 數據顯示單元設計 17
3.7.1 LED數碼管 17
3.7.2分屏顯示 18
3.8微型列印機 20
3.9 IC卡讀寫電路 23
第4章 電源穩壓及防干擾的設計 25
4.1 計價器抗干擾措施的研究 25
4.2 提高單片機供電電源的抗干擾能力 25
4.2.1電源濾波 25
4.2.2電源穩壓 26
4.2.3 提高單片機系統內部的抗干擾能力 27
4.3軟體的抗干擾編程 27
第5章 軟體設計 28
5.1主循環程序流程圖 28
5.2 定時中斷服務程序 29
5.3圈脈沖中斷服務程序 29
5.4 計價子程序 30
5.5列印子程序切換及顯示子程序 31
5.6 IC卡操作子程序 33
5.7 校正時鍾子程序 34
第6章 系統調試 36
6.1硬體調試 36
6.2 軟體調試 37
第7章 結 論 38
參考文獻 39
致 謝 40
附錄Ⅰ 程序清單 41
附錄Ⅱ 原理圖 54
⑵ 有什麼大型的沙盒游戲
⑶ 看門狗2怎麼做計程車任務
⑷ 看門狗能用出租拉客人么